Thursday, August 6, 2020

August Update

Time is flying by! Here we are at August 2020.  We were able to celebrate 86 years with my mom on August 1 which was good. It was through a window, but it was good. Her and Dad are declining but seem to be hanging on with their current circumstances. We appreciate your continue prayers.

Ladder of Hope Home

on August 4th. 👦  I am doing well with all my health / cardiac issues and I are thankful for the opportunity to be 60 to continue God's work. Turning 60 doesn't mean it's time to retire, quite the opposite. I am preparing to open a home for men coming out of prison. A place they can call home for a short amount of time while they look and acquire a job and a more permanent place to live. This place will be called "The Ladder of Hope".  

I've not been able to visit any of the prisons but I can visit inmates via the window and phone.  My 1st visit was a referral from a friend that asked me to visit a friend of his the beginning of the month.  That was new and I prayed a lot for God to give me the words and prepare his heart.  His name was Toreano, God delivered a resounding blessing!  Since then Torey was discharged and entered a treatment facility in Hamilton in which I've had the privilege to visit with him there as well.  Torey introduced me to his cell mate while he was in the Justice Center and I visited Kenny a couple times.  The 3rd time I visited him I had the privilege of introducing Kenny to Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior!!  Incredible blessing!!  Since then I've been introduced the his cell mate and we've visited a couple times and I've been giving them bible verses to look up and we've been praying together as well!!  Okay, God...  

Needs for Ladder of Hope Home: As we begin to get ready to open, we are in need of almost anything you can think of, from beds to a TV, linens, towels, food, silverware etc.  If you can help in any way just let me know!  


Redeemed Home

It's been a very busy few weeks. It feels a little like we've started over. Transition is hard as ladies move up and out and new ladies come. My role has changed a bit as I am now the Director of Operations over both Redeemed Homes. I manage our staff, attend house meetings and fill in whenever needed for additional transportation or house/resident needs.  I don't want to lose the opportunities to build relationships with our ladies.  We have a team of incredible staff ladies who give their lives to our mission.  

Redeemed 2 or our Glenway location is where new residents first come.  In the last 4 weeks (1 a week), we received 3 new ladies.  I meet with them upon arrival to search their belongings, review their medication, go over the house rules and expectations and sign lots of papers.  I consider that such blessed time one on one with new residents, which starts the building of trust and relationships.  Searching their belongings in not my favorite part of the 'job', but has to be done to ensure nothing bad is brought into the home that may deter them or the other residents.  

Our long-term residents that have been with us for some time have moved to our other location which we refer to as Redeemed 1. 1 because it was the first house opened in 2016. There are 3 ladies living there who are accomplishing much.  2 recently got their temporary licenses, 1 continues to take classes at Cincinnati State to become a welder. All 3 are working jobs, attending meetings, bible study, learning to budget and have time management. We consider phase 3 a dry run for what is next for them once they graduate. They are amazing women who all love the Lord and are not only going to be OKAY but thrive not just survive! 
Meet Amy. Amy is a west-sider longing to change her life to be free from addiction and help with healing family relationships. She is our 'senior' resident of 1 month! She's loves to play "Phase 10" and other card games during down time. She's in a hurry, so we're trying to speak into her to take this time to be still, to learn, to change, to take advantage of everything we have to offer. 

Meet Nikki. Nikki was baptized on Aug. 2 at Revive City Church. She is 3 weeks into our program and working hard at overcoming so much. She lost her brother to an overdose just this past May and is determined to break her addiction.  Her daughter (also pictured) got to come and spend the night and attend her baptism service. What a joy!  

 Meet Olivia. I love the hearts of the   ladies. When we get a new resident,   they are welcomed 'home' by a sign on the door and one on their beds signed by all resident and staff. We want them to feel like this is a place they can call
 home. Olivia has been with us just 1 short week and already feels like family. She is very creative. She loves to make cards and doodle with adult coloring. 


Needs for Redeemed: We need weekend volunteers. Do you or know anyone who have 4 hours on a weekend once a month or more often?  Volunteers get to   be the fun ones - who hang out, take them shopping or down to the banks,   swimming or whatever to give them life experience and teach them there is fun to be had.  I promise you will be blessed by pouring into these ladies. They are grateful for this opportunity (most of the time) and open to doing new things. Ongoing needs would be toilet paper, paper towels, cleaning products, laundry soap & drying sheets. 

August brings about several of our ladies celebrating BIG sober/clean dates. Names you have become familiar with! Congrats to Jackie celebrating 2 years on August 7, Lauren celebrating 1 year on August 22, Katie 2 years on August 23, Tonya 27 months on August 24th. These are HUGE accomplishments. We don't ever overlook the ladies just starting out celebrating 30 days, 60 days etc. We take one day at a time and are grateful for each one. We are planning a picnic celebrating later in August to celebrate them. If you would like to donate a dish or join us, please let me know! 

Thank you for your prayers and support. You are a blessing to us! 

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