Here is our April / May update...
On April 17, a new recovery meeting program began.
Price Hill Celebrate Recovery. PHCR.
‘follow’ us on facebook:
Celebrate Recovery is a Christ-centered, 12-step recovery program for anyone struggling with hurt, pain or addiction of any kind.
Celebrate Recovery is a safe place to find community and freedom from the issues that are controlling our life.
Our launch picnic was overwhelmingly well attended. Watching people pray over women and men that showed up...God was there in such a big way.
We began our weekly meetings on Monday evening April 19. We will meet weekly starting with dinner at 6 pm, followed by a time of worship, celebrations, a speaker then small groups. We end our evening with PHCR Café, coffee and cookies.
ALL are welcome - everyone has hurts, habits and hang-ups. Come and check it out. 931 McPherson Ave. 6 am—9 pm or anything in-between.
Pray for Jim, as he is part of the leadership CR team. A new hat for him to wear :)
BLOC Ministries writes quarterly newsletters. The current one, which includes Jim's testimony, a story about Redeemed program, Katie's story (Redeemed graduate) and current resident Olivia's story plus much more about other ministries within BLOC is now available. If you'd like to read it, I can email it to you OR get you a paper copy. If you're interested, please let me know and I'll make sure you get a copy. :)
I had no idea what God had in store for this ministry when He put the burden of reaching out to men who are incarcerated. God put a burden on my heart for men that I would’ve normally just wanted to put in jail forever! Instead, He told me that hey, those guys NEED Jesus too! I want you to go into the jails and share them my GOOD NEWS, that I love them and I died for them too!! (HOPE) The burden that He put on my heart is still quite unbelievable when I think about where I had come from. With no former training, God just tells us to ‘be available’ and I will bring them to you and you are to just LOVE on them and share the hope of believing in a risen Jesus!
I must say that the burden gets so heavy when I come out of the jail after meeting with the guys and start thinking of what I’m doing. I feel so unqualified.
One of the things that seems to be so heavy is the fact that it doesn’t matter who you are talking to, but EVERYONE knows someone that is suffering from addiction, or is in jail or just od’d and they ask me to visit with them. The epidemic is SO BAD!! This is a big reason that the leadership at Bloc makes sure that we take care of ourselves both spiritually and physically. They have several retreat locations that offer free or very reasonably priced retreats so that we can get away and RE-CHARGE! Spend quiet time alone with God and our mates. It gets pretty heavy, because we get so close to the people we are ministering to.
Ten+ months ago, God did another unforeseen miracle in my heart… I didn’t really have any idea what “Celebrate Recovery” was. God put the burden and need for this ministry in the Price Hill community on several community leaders. Then he brought a couple from Rivers Crossing Church in the Mason area who also had a burden to start a C/R in Price Hill knowing the critical need. Unbeknownst to me, that God would be using me to help lead this ministry and AGAIN feeling so unqualified. #BEAVAILABLE
Redeemed Home update from Karen…
The ladies at Redeemed Home are all making huge strides in all areas of their lives. We currently have 3 residents, Mollie, Amy & Christine. Mollie, our resident who recently was promoted to Phase 3 in our program, is working at Bob Evans, so you may have been waited on by her loveliness! She is also an artist. Last month I shared our ‘word from the Lord” for our program, which is “Rooted”. Mollie, who is an artist, took it upon herself to make a drawing that described what exactly the Bible verses mean that we picked for that word. She is truly gifted. We are excited to be able to hang up her artwork in the home for many years to come. Phase 3 is what we like to call ’their practice run’. They are given many freedoms they will have once out on their own, yet being in our supportive environment with accountability. Ladies in phase 3 continue to meet with life coaches, financial coaches, sponsors, mentors etc., working on life-long goals. Transformation is amazing!
Above is Mollie’s picture.
We appreciate your continued prayers for new residents to join us. We are excited to welcome Michelle into our home this week!
Many of you have seen this video we've shared of graduate Katie Riley. BLOC partners with Whitewater Crossing Christian Church, who produced this amazing footage of Katie's story. If you haven't seen it, grab some tissues and watch this:
Family Updates:
WE GOT A PUPPY! I (Karen) have been looking for a while—feeling the urge for a fur baby. We’ve been without a pet for about 5 years, longest ever in the 38 years we’ve been married. Looking for a small poodle-mix. FOUND ONE! Meet Teddy (bear). He’s a whopping 3 pounds right now and should be around 12 pounds full grown. He will go with me often when I’m working at Redeemed, dogs are pure therapy for our residents and they love having them to cuddle with. He will be one loved, spoiled and blessed little guy!
My parents, Ron & Anita are doing ok. StoryPoint Fairfield is an amazing place! They are being very well cared for. Dad is being kept busy with outdoor plantings in their raised standing garden beds! He is so happy in the moment, but sadly doesn’t remember as quick as a few minuets after the activity. He still remembers me and my brother by sight, but can’t always recall our names or relationships. Ex: I am often his sister. We roll with it and don’t question him. Mom continues to decline with having vascular dementia from her stroke 15 months ago. She remains very positive day to day and enjoys participating in some activities. She needs aide in 95% of daily living. We appreciate your continued prayers for them both.
Continued needs for Redeemed: Ongoing needs @ Redeemed, are simple every day things like toilet paper, paper towels, Clorox wipes, laundry soap, dryer sheets, hand soap, zip lock baggies (gallon and sandwich), Lysol spray and cleaning products, tampons (variety sizes), socks and ladies underwear (sizes 6 - 10).
Good at decorating? We are looking for inspiration to do some redecorating at Redeemed.
Another way you can help is to sponsor a resident for an activity or outing. We like to take the ladies on outings (ex: kayaking, camping, the zoo, a Reds game, etc.). Many have never been or even know if they like doing things. We want them to experience life and having fun outside of the 'program', but cost often prohibits us going. If you’d like to help, please contact me!
We can not thank you enough for INVESTING in us and in the Price Hills community. These men and women need you just as much as they need us! We are here because of your generosity and prayers!
We would LOVE to give you a tour of our ministries and of BLOC Ministries—as there is much to see!
We always thank God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, when we pray for you. Colossians 1:3
We give thanks to God always for all of you, constantly mentioning you in our prayers. 1 Thessalonians 1:2
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