Monday, February 7, 2022


Happy New Year! 
Reflection. [def] serious thought or consideration. 

"As water reflects the face, so one's life reflects the heart." Proverbs 27:19.  The Good News: Your life is a reflection of the ideals and faith you hold in your heart. The areas where you spend time and energy reveal what's really important to you. 

"Whoever pursues righteousness and love finds life, prosperity, and honor." Proverbs 21:21

"Be very careful, then how you live - not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord's will is."     Ephesians  5:15-17

As we reflect on 2021, it's been a good but hard year, it's been a year of many stories with joyful overcoming's, some sorrow, great accomplishments, change and so much more. We said hello to new men and women who want to change their life. We live life with them. Sometimes they don't stay, most often they do. What we do know is that we have sown seeds of hope. Hope that we have for eternal life. 

2021 also brought us to a place of seeking God for direction for our lives. What we learned through seeking Him, was to press on, not to give up, continue to serve Him. What we didn't know was that the way we would do all that would look a little different. We will ministry to those who need the rest we have needed. We know how important it is for ministry workers, missionaries etc. to find and have rest. 

2022 will bring much change! After much prayer and seeking wise council, we are moving to Oldenburg, IN to serve God at "The Springs", as their Operation Managers. As we finish strong with BLOC's Redeemed Home and Men's / Jail Ministry, we covet your prayers. Change is hard. We will be leaving a life we have cherished, friendships and co-workers we love, yet we know God is directing us in all of this. Check out The Springs.  Jim will be caring for the 150 acres of overwhelming beauty, Karen will be back to serving in administration, taking reservations, along with cleaning the cabins and doing lots of laundry, along with some gardening that I'm very excited about!  God has aligned this with our past jobs and gifts, it's truly a dream come true. You will have to come visit! 

Update on Men's and Jail Ministry

We are living in a time that literally EVERYONE you meet (anywhere) knows someone that is either in jail, has overdosed or is in active addiction!  It seriously is an epidemic!  When I talk to someone I know they ask if I could visit someone they know that is in the Justice Center.  It's especially hard because families can't visit their loved ones because of covid restrictions.  God has put me on the phone, opposite someone through a window, (in a lot of cases, someone I've never met) to share the Hope of Jesus.  I share what I do with Bloc Ministries/LIT Movement.  We are getting more referrals from sources that we weren't expecting from including  judges, prosecutors and lawyers. They are hearing what we're doing and contacting us to reach out to their clients thinking they may be a good fit for our houses. So, I do my best with the Team of men that God has put together (3 of us now!) to advocate with these men through the justice system as best we can to hopefully get them into a treatment facility (30-90days) and then into our programs when their terms are up.

This whole journey is something that only an Omniscient God could have orchestrated! To serve in this community (culture shock), living and growing with men and women that have lifestyles that we can't often personally relate to like sex trafficking and active addiction in drugs.  God used our gifts to serve in ways we had no idea what would be demanded of us.  God knew the desires of our hearts but was saying "press on" or just "wait", I'm going to be put you in a "war zone" for 5-6 yrs so you know what it is to need rest.  Then unexpectedly to us,  giving us a new opportunity, putting us out in a "pasture" (new season) where He has equipped us to minister to those who will need rest. 

The timing for all this has been INCREDIBLE! God already had in mind the man who would be replacing me and taking this men's ministry to levels I couldn't have because I haven't experienced a lot of the things these guys are dealing with, but, Steve has!  That's how God works right??  Just like what He did when I started the screen printing shop.  He brought someone to take that over to take it to new levels I couldn't.  That way I can't possibly take any credit for it!!  It's ALWAYS been about shining the Light and point them to our Father who is in Heaven!!  Matt 5:16  The verse He gave me when I had my heart attack!!  ONLY GOD... Thank you Lord!!  

Update on Redeemed Home

In November, a group of our ladies were blessed to travel to Lexington to attend the Lauren Daigle concert! That was amazing for them! To experience things like concerts, outing etc. for some are a first time experience! 

Throughout the course of the program residents experience mentoring, give back through community service, and are provided many opportunities for social activities and broadening awareness.

A recent graduate received a car from The Wheels program. Being obedient often brings blessings and a car is certainly a huge one. This picture says it all! The Wheels program is the perfect place to donate an older used car. They fix it up and give it to a man or women who has a need like this. 

Currently Redeemed has 4 residents. We are talking to several women who may be joining us in the very near future. We had 2 graduates in November and one coming up in February
3 of the 4 residents are in Phase 3, which is the phase where they have more freedom to take a practice run on being out on their own. 

Phase 3—a minimum of three months. The focus is Transition. At this point a resident is managing her own life surrounded by whatever support she needs. She is taking on a leadership role with newer residents and working toward independent living upon graduation from the program.

One of our residents is seeking restoration with her children. After a recent court appearance, where the judge didn't say NO, but wanted to go back and review her case and look closer at what she is doing, the resident said this: "If I had not learned what I have in this program (Redeemed), I never could have sat through all the things they were saying about me without losing my mind." We are so proud of her. She has gained confidence in herself, skills on how to communicate and stay calm. God has a plan! These are the things that keep us going. From Stephanie Young, our Director, "Be encouraged ladies, what we are doing is making a difference!" 

We look forward to another graduation of a resident in February. We are excited for Amy as she flies on her own, praying for her and hoping the seeds planted have sprouted, which we believe they have.

The Redeemed Program is seeking staff - if you know of anyone who might want to step into a very rewarding and challenging job, please reach out! We can't take many more women who are seeking recovery without more staff. We are looking for part-time and full-time staff. 

Transition. We look forward to our next season of hard work. Hard work that comes with a very restful and peaceful place @ The Springs. We will continue to seek partners in mission as we will continue to raise support for our pay. If this is something you'd like to hear more about, please reach out to either of us! We would love to chat! 

The race is not to the swift or the battle to the strong, nor does food come to the wise or wealth to the brilliant or favor to the learned; but time and chance happen to them all. Ecclesiastes 9:11

I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. Philippians 3:14

Thank you all for you continued prayers, love and support.

We have accepted an offer on our home, it's been inspected and we await the appraisal. Continued prayers appreciated!    All our love, Jim & Karen

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It's been a few months since our last blog update. We celebrated ONE YEAR as Operation Managers @ The Springs on March 5. We've seen...